Can you remember the last time that you gave yourself the opportunity to Dream? I mean really, dream? A moment where you let your imagination run free. A time where you created a sense of peace and allowed your imagination to wander and see “your possibilities”. A compelling vision for the future always starts with… Read more »
Tag: Business Mentor
S.M.A.R.T Goals May Not Be Enough
Anyone who has had the task of implementing corporate goals or has studied goal setting in the last forty years has heard of the term S.M.A.R.T goals. The acronym stands for Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. S.M.A.R.T provides a generally useful tool and has been accepted as the benchmark for setting goals. Our goal… Read more »
Trust is Good for your Health (Part 5)
In recent years, research has shown that people who have developed deep personal relationships, experience better health. These people generally experience lower blood pressure, lower rates of depression & anxiety, better physiological well-being and they live longer. Trust is not just a buzz word, it delivers real, quantifiable benefits. There has also been movement in… Read more »
Trust in Business Has Never Been More Important (Part 4)
The Edelman Trust Barometer was first published in 2001 and is a highly respected source of information regarding the general “feeling of trust” in the community. It has over the years measured the level of trust that people feel toward government, non-government organisations, business and the media and its impact on decision making. The 2019… Read more »
Trust in Business, Get this Wrong at Your Peril (Part 3)
The previous article, “Trust is Good for Business“, showed that businesses that have a strong foundation built on trust, will experience many benefits including a greater sense of sharing, higher morale, are more collaborative, innovative & creative, experience higher productivity and are generally healthier. In his book “Trust Edge”, David Horsager discusses ten barriers to… Read more »
Trust is Good for Business (Part 2)
Phil Jackson, 11 time Championship winning NBA Coach has said, “Good teams become great teams when the members trust each other enough to surrender the me for the we“. This advice is great for businesses too. Businesses that have a strong foundation built on trust, experience many benefits. They have a greater sense of sharing,… Read more »